Chess Club
Chess Club
Rowan Chess Club

MEETINGS are held every:Monday 3:00pm-5:00pm
Thursday 5:00pm-7:00pm
Chess Club Advisor
Tournaments & Special Events
Rowan Chess Winter Swiss Classic 2019
"Chess is the gymnasium of the mind" Blaise Pascal
Rowan will be hosting round one of our annual Winter Swill Classic on:
Date: Thursday, January 31, 2019
Location: 2103 James Hall
Time: 7:45pm
Spectators are welcome.
Open to all chess players whose USCF membership is current.
Time Control: G90;d10, Six Round Swiss
Entry Fee: $10 cash only. 33% of each entry helps grow Rowan Chess.
Dates: 1-31, 2/7, 2/21, 2/28, 3/7, 3/14.
Two half point byes allowed in all rounds.
Cash prizes to be determined based on number of entries and rating distribution.
Annette's Cookies before round one!!!
*MUST notify me in advance (856-294-7951) if arriving after 7:45pm, to ensure being paired for first round.
Rowan Chess Holiday Quads 2018
This Tournament Benefits Brain Cancer Research through the National Brain Tumor Society
*Donations to The National Brain Tumor Society in the name of ROWAN CHESS welcome if you can't attend at
Date: Thursday, December 8th, 2018Location: 221 Chamberlain Student Center, Rowan University
Time:10am *Call or Text with your name to 856-294-7951 if definitely coming but might be arriving after 10am.
Prises: 50% of every entry goes to cash prizes, 30% to Brain Cancer Research, and 20% to support ROWAN CHESS!
Format: 3 Round Quads, G/60;d10 Affects Regular rating only. Round Times: 10am, 12:30pm, 2:45pm.
Entry Fees: $20, Cash Only, MAC machine on site, USFC membership must be current.
Directions to the site: Rt 55 to exit 50A Rt 322E, left at a light onto Joseph Bowe Blvd, right at 2nd light onto Carpenter St, right on North Campus Dr at break in tall black fence, then first right into parking lot B. Short walk to the Student Center.
Side Events: Student Center is #3 on map
Notes: Vending machines, Grill Nation, Jersey Mike's Subs and MAC machine at Student Center, Free parking.
Event Limitations: No Smoking. Wheelchair Accessible.
Event Link:
11/9/18 - 12/20/18
Event Link:
This Thursday, September 20th, 8pm, Rowan Chess Back to School Tournament will commence.
The entry fee for this tournament is $10.
Where: 2105 James Hall on the campus of Rowan University (only 5 minutes off Rt.55)
Dates: Thursdays 9/20, 9/27, 10/4, 10/11, 10/18, 10/25
Format: Six round Swiss, G/90; d10.
Two half point byes allowed in all rounds. Byes must be requested by 8pm Wednesday before the round.
USCF memberships must be current.
Cash prizes based on number of entries and rating distribution.
Annette’s Cookies for round one.
Vending machines and Snack Bar in James Hall open til 8pm
Must notify me in advance(856-294-7951) if arriving after 7:55pm to ensure being paired for first round.
Directions: Rt 55 to exit 50a, Rt 322E, left at a light onto Joseph Bowe Blvd, right at light onto Stadium Drive. You will pass Rowan Hall on the right and then James Hall will be up ahead on the right. Turn left into Lot O just before James and continue through lot O into lot B. It is a very short walk to James Hall.
Don’t ask me why but some building signs still say Education Hall instead of James Hall.
James is #6 on the campus map
I am happy to announce that ROWAN CHESS raised $150 for The National Brain Tumor Society at our Spring tournament at the Student Center on Saturday.
Ira Fine
Mathematics Department
Rowan Chess Advisor
ROWAN CHESS will be having its Spring USCF rated weekend chess tournament Saturday, March 24, 2018.
Where: Rowan Chamberlain Student Center, Room 221 (There is ample free on campus parking a very short walk to the Student Center)
When: Saturday, March 24th, 10am - 5pm (please arrive 15 minutes early to register)
Entry: $20 cash only, MAC machine in Student Center
Format: Quads, G60; d10, USCF membership must be current
- Your entry can win cash prizes, will contribute to brain cancer research and help grow Rowan Chess!
- If you are not entering the tournament but would like to make a small contribution in the name of Rowan Chess to the National Brain Tumor Society Please send a check made out to the National Brain Tumor Society to my address below.
- Or if you are on the Rowan campus you could just drop off check or cash to me at my office. Receipt available upon request.
Thursday, November 16th, at 7:30pm ROWAN CHESS will be hosting round 1 of our Holiday Swiss
Where: 1112 James Hall on the campus of Rowan University. Vending machines and Snack Bar open til 8pm
Time Control: G90;d10
Entry fee: $10 cash only
Dates: 11/16, 11/30, 12/7, 12/14, 12/21
Two half point byes allowed in all rounds. Byes must be requested by 7pm each Wednesday before the round.
Final round bye must be requested before first move of round 4.
Open to all current USCF members.
If your membership has expired or you would like to join up we can do that for you.
$17, 22 ,26 or 40 annual dues depending on age.
Cash prizes to be determined based on number of entries and rating distribution.
Annette’s Cookies before round one.
Must notify me in advance (856-294-7951) if arriving after 7:30pm to ensure being paired for first round.
Directions: Rt 55 to exit 50a, Rt 322E, left at a light onto Joseph Bowe Blvd, right at a light to Carpenter St, right on North Campus Dr (there is a break in the black fence), then first right into parking lot B. Very short walk to James Hall. Don’t ask me why but some building signs still say Education Hall instead of James Hall). Campus Map
UPDATE FROM Prof Fine: I am happy to announce that our first ever ROWAN CHESS USCF rated tournament on campus was a big success. In addition to prize money and support for the Rowan Chess Club we raised $130 to be donated to The National Brain Tumor Society.
ROWAN CHESS will be having it’s first USCF rated on campus chess tournament Saturday, November 11, 2017.
Your entry can win cash prizes, will contribute to cancer research and help grow Rowan Chess and the Rowan Chess Club!
Where: Rowan Student Center, Room 221 (There is ample free on campus parking a very short walk to the Student Center)
When: 10am - 5pm (please arrive 15 minutes early to register)
Entry: $20 cash only USCF rated section, $5 non rated section, MAC machine in Student Center
Format: Quads, G60; d10, USCF membership must be current for rated sections
Please bring chess set, board and clock.
Food and beverages for sale in Student Center.
50% of entry goes to cash prizes, 25% to cancer research and 25% to support the Rowan Chess Club!
Rowan's Chess Club participated in a tournament to benefit a fellow chess player with ALS. Curtis Jones can no longer walk or talk very well resulting in having to quit his job as an electrician. Several Rowan students, alumni and area chess players came out to support Curtis through this event and can proudly announce that the Rowan Chess Club raised over $700 for Curtis and his family. The event took place at All the King's Men in Pitman, NJ.